Eglinton Crosstown LRT
Toronto, Ontario
The Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit Project introduced a new form of rapid transit technology along a busy corridor within Toronto. The project, being constructed and operated in a densely populated urban centre, required significant technical, financial and commercial expertise, and the assembly of a highly qualified, multi-disciplinary team to meet the challenge.
As part of the Crosslinx Transit Solutions (CTS) bid team, the Stewart Group was retained as the Chief Bid Strategist and helped the senior bid management team craft a year-long plan, with careful consideration given to the consortium’s vision and stakeholder priorities.
The Stewart Group was instrumental in helping to guide the bid team through a complex, multi stakeholder landscape and developing strategies for project delivery within this environment. Following an 18-month procurement process, CTS was the successful proponent, awarded the design-build-finance-maintain (DBFM) contract. With a value of $9.1 billion, this was the single largest public-private partnership (P3) transit contract in Canadian history.